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Photo of Nelson Garcia Jimenez Cuba

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Arts Council of the Cuban Association of Advertisers UNEAC / National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba Interests and Experience English language, computer graphics (IBM), some French Interior design, textile design, cartoon and illustration. Postgraduate in Art Direction for film and TV, Exhibitions and Awards 1963 to 11 th New Artist Group Exhibition San Alejandro, Havana Lyceum. Arts Salon 1964 Young Artists 1972...

Awards received

  • 2015, Premio Caracol Direcciòn de arte
  • 2015, premio Caracol por direcciòn de arte

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23.62 x 19.69 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
23.62 x 39.37 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
43.31 x 43.31 in
23.62 x 27.56 in
23.62 x 15.75 in
43.31 x 43.31 in
47.24 x 33.07 in
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Arts Council of the Cuban Association of Advertisers UNEAC / National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba Interests and Experience English language, computer graphics (IBM), some French Interior design, textile design, cartoon and illustration. Postgraduate in Art Direction for film and TV, Exhibitions and Awards 1963 to 11 th New Artist Group Exhibition San Alejandro, Havana Lyceum. Arts Salon 1964 Young Artists 1972 Youth Arts Exhibition 1981 - Participates in the International Exhibition of Humor (about pollution) Athens, Greece. 1982 - Participates in the International Exhibition Humor (about the energy crisis) 1983 - Participates in Competition and Exhibition of posters for the 40 Anniversary of the United Nations, New York. 1988 - Exhibition at the Tornton Gallery, Leeds, England. 1988 - Exhibition at The Gallery, Jacob Kramer College, Leeds. 1988 - Exhibition at Shaw Theatre, London. 1988 - Exhibition at Metro Cinema, London. 1990-Design of the graphic image of the Latin American Film Festival in London. 1991 - Exhibition at the Gallery Tina Modotti, La Habana. 1992 - Exhibition at the Gallery Tina Modotti, La Habana. 1992 - Collective Exhibition of Cuban Artists Gallery in Spitalfields Market, London. 1994 - First Prize in the graphic image CUBA. 1994 - Graphic Design Award, Hall Graphic Design July 26, Havana. 1995 - Participates in the First Exhibition of Contemporary Cuban Art, La Habana. 1995 - Graphic Design for the International Festival of New Latin American Cinema, Havana. 1996 - Design Award by the Santero Spirits Fair on the Caribbean, Santiago. Cuba. 1996 - Exhibition at the Gallery Ridel, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico 1997 - Exhibition at the House of Mexico, Old Havana, La Habana. 1997 - Art Exhibition in the Museum Snuff Snuff, Habana Vieja. 1997 - Exhibition at Peg `s Club, London 1998-.Exposición Art Snuff in Cigar Dinner, Hotel Habana Libre, La Habana. 1998 - Exhibition Spirit of Cuba, Candid Arts Gallery, London. 1998 - Personal exhibition "Abel Gallery, Toronto, Canada. 1998 - Exhibition Africa House Museum staff, Havana. 1998-2nd Comtemporary Art Exhibition. La Habana. 1998-Group Exhibition Snuff Museum, Havana. 1999-Exhibition of Cuban Artists in Merida, Mexico. 1999 - African Roots Wemilere Biennial Exhibition, Gallery of Guanabacoa. 1999 - Personal Exhibition Clink Wharf Gallery, London. 1999 - Exhibition at the Metro Cinema Gallery, London 2000-Snuff Art Exhibition, Festival del Habano, La Habana. 2001-Luinejo Group Exhibition, Gallery Luis de Soto, University of Havana. 2001 - Group Exhibition, Cigar Dinner, Hotel Riviera Havana, La Habana. 2001 - African Roots Wemilere Biennial Exhibition, Gallery of Guanabacoa, Havana. 2002 - Exhibition Festival del Habano. 2003 - October Exhibition Gallery, London. 2003 - Design Shopping Project Café Habana Riviera Hotel, Havana. 2003 - Exhibition Festival del Habano in Havana. 2004 Exhibition Convention Center of the Americas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 2005 Exhibition Festival del Habano, La Habana. 2005 Exhibition ¨ Guajiros · Gallery Juan David Yara Cultural Center, Havana. 2005 Exhibition Gallery Larramendi, Hostal Conde de Villanueva, Old Havana. 2005 Exhibition Gallery La Vitola, Habana Vieja. 2005 Personal exhibition "Little Stories", Hotel Presidente, Havana. Recent Projects Project 2006 Exhibition of drawings and classic films posters on Cuba ¨ Yes ... IT'S FILM, 2008 personal exhibition, Gallery Phytalo, Conil, Andalucia Spain, 208 itinerant Cuban Artists Exhibition, Navarra Spain, 2009 My personal exposure people Qoricancha Museum, Cusco Peru. ? Project Books · CUISINE OF CUBA ? Draft Corporate Identity Biosphere Reserve, Sierra del Rosario of Economics Identity Project Quality (quality rating for productions within the Biosphere Reserves) Project TABACART Exhibition (traveling exhibition De Casas del Habano Cuban art-themed snuff) graphics and DVD film The Immobile Traveler, Art Direction for Television, Short Story A pair of hands, Movie The strongest, story of coincidence black.

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